What's happening

All the latest news for you and your Scouts

Contacting the Organising Team

The best way to get hold of the organising team form now on is to use the general contact number in the camp handbooks- emails won’t be being checked regularly….

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Changes to bookings

We’ve been receiving a lot of last minute requests to increase the size of a booking.    This affects lots of things, such as tickets, wristbands, badges, coach spaces, toilets,…

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Medical Form

Apparently the medical form doesn’t work well on older versions of MS Word. Here is an updated version: https://longleat.wiltshirescouts.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Longleat-medical-form-BLANK1.doc Many thanks to Stuart Otway for providing the solution!

Find us on Facebook!

Did you know you can keep up to date with developments in the lead up to the county camp by joining the Facebook group?   https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/groups/310187402408211/

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Participant handbook

Check out the participant handbook, containing key info for event. https://longleat.wiltshirescouts.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/LONGLEAT-PARTICIPANT-HANDBOOK-Mk-5.pdf If you have any questions, please email longleat@wiltshirescouts.org.uk